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Comparative analysis for renal stereotactic body radiotherapy using Cyberknife, VMAT and proton therapy based treatment planning

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Atallah Baydoun, Neha Vapiwala, Lee E. Ponsky, Musaddiq Awan, Ali Kassaee, David Sutton, Tarun K. Podder, Yuxia Zhang,Donald Dobbins,  Raymond F. Muzic Jr., Bryan Traughber,  Mitchell Machtay, Rodney Ellis

Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 14 March 2018

DOI: 10.1002/acm2.12308


We conducted this dosimetric analysis to evaluate the feasibility of a multi‐center stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) trial for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) using different SBRT platforms.


The computed tomography (CT) simulation images of 10 patients with unilateral RCC previously treated on a Phase 1 trial at Institution 1 were anonymized and shared with Institution 2 after IRB approval. Treatment planning was generated through five different platforms aiming a total dose of 48 Gy in three fractions. These platforms included: Cyberknife and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) at institution 1, and Cyberknife, VMAT, and pencil beam scanning (PBS) Proton Therapy at institution 2. Dose constraints were based on the Phase 1 approved trial.


Compared to Cyberknife, VMAT and PBS plans provided overall an equivalent or superior coverage to the target volume, while limiting dose to the remaining kidney, contralateral kidney, liver, spinal cord, and bowel.


This dosimetric study supports the feasibility of a multi‐center trial for renal SBRT using PBS, VMAT and Cyberknife.

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