currentsinbiology: CMV Virus May Boost Our Immune...

CMV Virus May Boost Our Immune System
Researchers report the cytomegalovirus may actually boost, not weaken, our immune systems.
“We assumed it would make mice more vulnerable to other infections because it was using up resources and keeping the immune system busy,” Dr. Smithey said.
But that’s not what happens.
When infected with listeria, old mice carrying CMV proved to be tougher than old mice without CMV.
Abstract for “Lifelong CMV infection improves immune defense in old mice by broadening the mobilized TCR repertoire against third-party infection” by Megan J. Smithey, Vanessa Venturi, Miles P. Davenport, Adam S. Buntzman, Benjamin G. Vincent, Jeffrey A. Frelinger, and Janko Nikolich-Ċ½ugich in PNAS. Published July 2 2028.
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